Wildfire Performance of CSEB Systems


Our research focuses on developing affordable and equitable buildings that are resilient to wildfires. Our research teams investigates fire-resistant construction, ignition-resistant construction, fire-resistant and fire-proof materials and components, construction techniques, defensible space development and maintenance, and policy and design code development. In particular, we are developing a compressed and stabilized earth block (CSEB) system that combines affordability, speed of construction, and fire resistance.


Funded Projects Supporting this Research

  • Assessment and Mitigation of Wildfire-Induced Air Pollution

PI: Barbato, M.

Co-PI: Zhu Y., Dabdub D., Safeeq M., Kelly M., Mirocha J.D., Aiken A.C.

Collaborators: Bailey B., Wexler A., Koltunov A., Latmir A.M., Ustin S.L., Hart Q., Conlon K., Chu E., Thorne J., Boynton R., Westerling L., Xia T., Thomas N., Huang C., Krishna M., Knipping E.M., Rohr A., Acklen J.C., O'Neill S.M.

Sponsor: University of California Office of the President

Program: UC Laboratory Fees Research Program

Period: March 2020 - February 2023